Born in Hai Duong, Vietnam, in 1987 and currently residing in Berlin, Sung Tieu is an artist whose multidisciplinary practice explores the intricate intersections of globalized capitalism, information control, and geopolitical tensions rooted in colonialism and Cold War ideologies. Through her use o

“CUBACREATIVA [PC GAMER]” by Nestor Siré, curated by TOKAS, at Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Tokyo, 29/06/2024 – 04/08/2024. As part of the CubaCreativa project [2014- ]. Creativity, that intrinsic faculty of the human being, manifests itself in the ability to improvise solutions to

The exhibition “Live Stream,” hosted by Fluentum in Berlin from April 25 to July 27, 2024, presented a sophisticated reflection on the relationship between form and historical memory. Curated by Dennis Brzek and Junia Thiede, this collective showcase featured the works of Patricia L. Boy

“NO MIND NO MATTER” by Urbach Justin, Vall Tatjana, and Kiel Johannes, curated by Kunstarkaden Munich, at Kunstarkaden Munich, Munich, 25.06.2024-27.07.2024.   I spy with my little eye something you do not see and that is… Now, guess! So, you ask yourself: Am I the ‘I’ capturing,

FW LOG is a curated media platform investigating the junction point between technology and art. It provides in-depth insights through the Fakewhale ecosystem, featuring the latest industry news, comprehensive curation, interviews, show spotlights and trends shaping tomorrow’s art market.

Explore the synergy between digital culture and the future of contemporary art.