Fakewhale Solo Series Presents Crikey! by Iñigo Bilbao
On Wednesday, July 24th, Fakewhale proudly presents “Crikey!”, a Fakewhale Solo Series release by Iñigo Bilbao.
In “Crikey!” Bilbao deliberately throws an iconic mouse into the algorithm’s flux, where it is repeatedly deconstructed and reformed, rebirthing this character to confront the unpredictable nature of digital creation—a process likened to childlike experimentation with the transformation of toys through fire.
Crikey!: Through Experimentation and Rebirth
Iñigo Bilbao, a Barcelona-based artist, masterfully fuses art with technology, leveraging his expertise in 3D imaging and experimental medical imaging to transform visual expression.
Iñigo Bilbao merges art, science, and technology, focusing his recent work on AI-generated imagery that channels themes of science fiction and horror — where digital tools extend beyond their traditional uses, becoming instruments that dissect and reassemble the known into something entirely new and thought-provoking.
“I throw the mouse at the algorithm and watch as it devours it, regurgitates it, and swallows it again. Using such a recognizable character makes it easier for me to better appreciate how the tool works, in addition to being a perfect bait to catch the viewer’s attention and immerse them in the chaos.This is pure and free experimentation, like a child who plays at burning toys in the fire, who enjoys watching a doll’s hair burn or a plastic horse melt. I let the fire do its work, I simply rummage through the ashes.”
__Iñigo Bilbao
In “Crikey!”, the cyclical nature of creation and destruction emerges from this experimentation, mirroring the spontaneity and unpredictability of life itself. Bilbao’s use of an iconic character is more than a nod to pop culture; it’s a deliberate strategy to engage viewers on familiar ground, only to subvert their expectations with each transformation.
Bilbao’s background in 3D and experimental medical imaging imparts a unique, almost scientific aura to his art. At the same time each piece, crafted with meticulous digital manipulation, investigates contemporary issues, emphasizing their profound impact on the present.
As Bilbao himself puts it, his process is analogous to letting “the fire do its work,” where he does not merely create but also discovers, digging through the digital ashes to unveil new forms and meanings. Using this method not only highlights digital tools’ transformative power, but also Bilbao’s role as both creator and curator.
In “Crikey!”, Bilbao interacts with the algorithm as both a collaborator and a catalyst in the artistic process. By feeding this iconic character to it, he allows the algorithm to deconstruct and reconstruct it, culminating in a series of 3 artworks in continuous evolution — ⚫⚪️, ⚪️⚫ & ⚪️⚪️.
Similarly, his artistic process mirrors a child’s innate curiosity and impulsive creativity, where toys are not simply played with but are transformed through the fire previously mentioned. Bilbao’s interaction with digital tools ultimately reflects this destructive-creative impulse, dismantling familiar forms to discover the fundamental elements that remain, then reconstructing these elements into something new and unexpected.

The Release Dynamics
The “Crikey!” series features three artworks, each in a JPG format (4608×6144)
- ⚫⚪️ – 1/1 available at 350 Tezos
- ⚪️⚫ – Open Edition available at 10 Tezos
- ⚪️⚪️ – 1/1 available at 350 Tezos
“Crikey!” will go live on Wednesday, July 24th, at 4 PM CEST / 10 AM ET on objkt.com
To stay updated on the release in real-time, follow Fakewhale and Iñigo Bilbao.

Founded in 2021, Fakewhale advocates the digital art market's evolution. Viewing NFT technology as a container for art, and leveraging the expansive scope of digital culture, Fakewhale strives to shape a new ecosystem in which art and technology become the starting point, rather than the final destination.
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