Sasha Sime, “Control & Domination” at g • gallery, Barcelona
“Control & Domination” by Sasha Sime at g • gallery, Barcelona, 07/11/2024 – 07/12/2024.
Control & Domination —a verbal ping-pong; —a hypnotic incantation, recorded on magnetic tape; —a code, successfully and repeatedly executing an operation; —a disposable unit or a everyday item; Endlessly repeating, echoing through empty space, it becomes as familiar as a household item or one’s reflection in the mirror. Running through the flow of contexts() { private social state informational } It reflects the phenomenon of information overload, where the most urgent and sensitive events become banal and familiar due to their constant repetition in media feeds, alongside random posts and memes.
Founded in 2021, Fakewhale advocates the digital art market's evolution. Viewing NFT technology as a container for art, and leveraging the expansive scope of digital culture, Fakewhale strives to shape a new ecosystem in which art and technology become the starting point, rather than the final destination.
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