In conversation with culturehacker

During this episode of Fakewhale Live, diewiththemostlikes chats about digital art with renowned digital artist culturehacker.

culturehacker’s background is the starting point of the conversation: he has extensive experience in film and photography, from making experimental films with a bolex camera and 16mm film in high school to then work in commercial production, including music videos, fashion documentaries, and feature films.

In particular, they explore culturehacker’s style: a style that is a mix of traditional art and new technology, including artificial intelligence, internet of things, AR, and VR. He treats his art pieces as scenes and is interested in giving them an emotion.

A lot of his work is influenced by different artistic movements, and he is interested in deconstructing and reconstructing things. Writing is his trade, and his pieces are often inspired by something that sparks his imagination, hoping that the story he tells will also ignite the imagination of others and create a story that will resonate with them.

Lastly, diewiththemostlikes and culturehacker chat about his interest in exploring different genres, with a focus on his most recent projects. 

Absurdist exploration into our agreeable descent to madness.

FW LOG is a curated media platform investigating the junction point between technology and art. It provides in-depth insights through the Fakewhale ecosystem, featuring the latest industry news, comprehensive curation, interviews, show spotlights and trends shaping tomorrow’s art market.

Explore the synergy between digital culture and the future of contemporary art.